
The Professional Bio:

I am a writer in the greater Los Angeles area who mostly tells strange stories that mash up history and fantasy.

My short stories have been published by Fundead Publications (O Horrid Night, “There Must Have Been Some Magic,” December 2016) Bewildering Stories (“Plenty of Fish,” November 2015) and the Dapper Press Lounge (“The Wages of Sin,” October 2014). I also have two self-published titles out: A Blatantly False History of The World (a book of short stories), and Blue Gentian (a young adult Fantasy novel). My non-fiction has also seen some acclaim.  My work on academic e-journal Voces Novae has won the Nash prize twice.

In my spare time I drink quarts of tea, craft my own wardrobe, play board games with my small son, and read books about culturally-responsive teaching.  My trans/nonbinary spouse and I agree that trans rights are human rights.  



2 thoughts on “Herself

  1. Are you still interested in American Sign Langauge? I just stumbled upon your blog “If my Hands could Speak,” and was sad to see it’s no longer active, but then I saw a link to this blog of yours. Just wondering what has happened. 🙂

  2. Oh my gosh, that’s SUCH a long story. The short version is that I still practice ASL and have some Deaf friends, but that I’m mostly out of all the rest of it. I couldn’t get classes at my school because the California Community College system is so backed up. And then I realized that there’s a huge gap of several years usually between getting certified as an interpreter and being able to make a living wage from interpreting. And then I got a taste of some of the less fun aspects of interpreting/Deaf culture… One of those things probably wouldn’t have hindered me, but stacked up like that they get daunting. I don’t have plans to go back and get certified currently, although it’s not like I’m not well known for changing my mind. 🙂

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